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Next MV Brass rehearsal

Hello MV Brass,

Regarding our music history program - Now that the script and music surgeries are assembled (thanks, and "wow", to Owen!), we are at the stage of playing thru repeatedly to achieve a smooth rehearsed flow for continuous delivery, starts, and consistent running time. This will now allow us to run the program through completely once at subsequent rehearsals for about an hour, work out rough spots, and start working on other music pieces.

Also as we discussed last Friday, in an effort to be flexible in scheduling, we hope to "season" our practices with some times other than Friday nights. As discussed, we will rehearse this coming Saturday, Feb 4th, at 9 a.m.. This will be a shorter-than-normal session so as to free the rest of our day. (We'll run the history progarm only.)

Rehearsal will be at Aldersgate, but not in the choir room. That is booked for the church choir. Suggest you still enter via the back entrance. I'll have us set up in either the Gubeck Center, or one of the larger classrooms in the middle wing.

