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FA EQUITY INCOME FUND Shareholder Reports

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Shareholder Reports
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USAA # ending in: 5995

Marcelyn Atwood,

On behalf of USAA, we're notifying you that FA EQUITY INCOME FUND has released information to its shareholders.

You can view this information at the following web site. When the
information is no longer available through the link, you can contact
the issuing company for the information.

Summary Prospectus
Annual Report
http://advisorxchange.fidelity.com/lit.shtml?entry=adp&itemCode=539449&typeCode=2&campaign=zadpan nadv

Distributed by Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. on behalf of USAA.

Thank you,
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USAA Financial Advisors, Inc. (USAA), a registered broker dealer.

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