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Your Local Deal for
Northern Virginia
352 Maple Avenue West Lower Level Vienna, VA 22180
One Microdermabrasion Facial
Elandre Spa
Sold by LivingSocial
The Details
Consuming vitamins and minerals is crucial in promoting a healthy complexion -- but so is treating your skin from the outside. With today's deal, spend $75 (regularly $150) on a microdermabrasion treatment at Elandre Spa in Vienna.
Just like an apple a day, this non-invasive method will help you look more refreshed as the treatment works to combat sun-damaged skin as well as fine lines, wrinkles, and enlarged pores. Microdermabrasion can help uncover the fresher look waiting for you under the tired skin that you see in the mirror. Nourish your face with this half-off deal, and get that instant glow you've always been wanting.
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