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Fw: Bats-neat pictures of three of the world's finest species.

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Semper fi,
Don Greenlaw
----- Original Message ----- From: W. Heidi Hamilton
To: Don Greenlaw ; usmcmaxinkc@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 9:01 AM
Subject: Bats-neat pictures of three of the world's finest species.

     This is very  timely...

The latest newsletter from "The Texas Gardener's Seeds" said to put up a bat house to encourage the presence of bats. These shy animals consume 3,000 or more mosquitoes and other insects nightly, and bats are less likely to be rabid than dogs are. Need another reason? Bats are responsible for up to 95 percent of the seed dispersal essential to the regeneration of forests. Our planet is populated with plenty of these bizarre and astonishing creatures. Without the need for resorting to fiction, here are three of the Bat Family's best known representatives:

     Sucker-footed  Bat

     Red-Winged  Fruit Bat

     Left-Winged Ding  Bat
      So 2 out of 3  Bats have a useful  purpose!


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