AAJ Sections
Admiralty Law
Aviation Law
Business Torts
Civil Rights
Criminal Law
Employment Rights
Family Law
Federal Tort Liability
and Military Advocacy
Insurance Law
International Practice
Motor Vehicle
Collision, Highway and Premises Liability
Products Liability
Professional Negligence
Railroad Law
Section on Toxic, Environmental, and Pharmaceutical Torts (STEP)
Social Security Disability Law
Sole Practitioner and Small Firm
Workers’ Compensation and Workplace Injury
AAJ Section Officer Elections Will Be Held at the 2010 Annual Convention in Vancouver, July 10–14, 2010
Come out and vote!
I want to remind you that all 18 Section officer elections will take place at the Annual Convention. Elections will be conducted at the beginning of each Section's Education program or business meeting. If you're interested in running for office, e-mail sections@justice.org or call 800-424-2725 or 202-965-3500, ext. 8700. For the location and date of your Section election, click here.
Get involved!
Remember, you don't have to run for office to get involved. You can always participate in Section business meetings, submit articles to your Section's newsletter, or even sign up as newsletter editor. There are lots of dynamic ways to get involved with your Section, so let's get connected! Go to www.justice.org/sections for more information.
I look forward to seeing you this summer.
Larry Simon
Chair, Section Leaders Council |