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REMINDER: Feedback requested as part of Lexis.com Service Review



Dear Haytham,

Thank you for your continued use of Lexis.com.

As part of our continuous service review process, we ask current customers and users to provide feedback on Lexis.com.  This is an important part of our service to you because it:

  1) Allows us to prioritize future development in line with your needs
  2) Enables us to offer timely assistance with any specific issues that you may have

The feedback tool we use is very short (about 3 minutes).  We simply wish to know whether you would recommend us to others and why you feel that way.  Your comments are most important to us, as they really help our teams understand what we need to improve upon and how we should prioritize those improvements.

We know your time is valuable so weâve kept the survey brief.  We would greatly appreciate you taking a few minutes to share your experience.

Please click on the following link to provide your feedback:

(Note:  If you need to go backward in the link above, please use the arrows at the bottom of the page, not your browser's back button)


Mike Walsh
LexisNexis | Legal & Professional



Data Protection Notice: This e-mail has been sent to haytham@puckettfaraj.com from LexisNexis, using Confirmit.com's technology and platform. This email has been sent to you as a customer or user of Lexis.com. It has been sent as part of our service to you, and particularly in improving our service to you.  LexisNexis respects your privacy and does not disclose, rent or sell your personal information to any non-affiliated third parties without consent, except as may be stated in the LexisNexis Privacy Policy (http://www.lexisnexis.com/privacy/statement.aspx).

If you have any questions about this feedback process, or do not wish to receive similar requests in the future please contact customer.experience@lexisnexis.comIf you have recently requested to be removed from future requests of this type, please accept our apologies while we work to update our records.