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![Appellate Practice Section]()
Economics of Appellate Practice Seminar
If your practice includes appeals, you don’t want to miss this seminar. All attorneys are welcome to attend and learn about economically making your way as an appellate attorney.
Date: May 20, 2011
Time: 1:00–4:00 p.m.
Location: Embassy Suites, 19525 Victor Parkway, Livonia, MI 48152
Seminar Program
- Presentation of Economics of Law Practice Survey statistics particular to appellate practitioners
by Stephanie Morita, APS council member and member of State Bar’s ad hoc committee on Smith v. Khouri.
- Panel discussion with experienced appellate practitioners from a variety of practice types, including large firm, small firm, solo practitioners. The topics will include:
- Setting the attorneys fees
- Costs of appeal
- Recovering a fee award from opposing party
- Getting your client to pay
Cost: $25 for Section member and $40 for non-section member, but includes section membership
Register: online or mail/fax form
Deadline for pre-registration is May 16. Registration available at door, space permitting.
For more information, contact Stephanie Morita at or Liisa Speaker at |