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FW: Capt Larson's rough start in cross-examination


Thought you'd find this funny. Check out the transcript below. This is a TC cross-examining the mom of a SSgt who had just been convicted of raping a Cpl. 



-----Original Message-----
From: Gallaher Sgt Andrew D 
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2011 14:25
To: Crosswell Capt Ryan R
Subject: Capt Larson's rough start in cross-examination 


Wanted to share this with you since you were interested.


Questions by the trial counsel:

Q	Good morning, Ms. Lucas.
A	Good morning.

Q	You know I'm just doing my job, right?
A	No.  I really -- excuse me -- I'd like to say something.  I haven't liked your tone of voice when you spoke to other people.  And I would 	appreciate it if you would be civil with me.

Q	The same way your son was civil with Corporal C?  Would that level be okay with you?
A	Would you like me to repeat my statement?

MJ:  Okay.  I tell you what.  Ma'am -- 

Captain Larson, ask questions.  Ma'am, just respond to his questions.

WIT:  Thank you.


Sgt Andrew Gallaher
Legal Services Specialist
Joint Law Center/MCAS Miramar

"Brevity is the soul of wit."    - William Shakespeare

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