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michael.yon@gmail.com [mailto:michael.yon@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011
8:19 PM
To: mark@markzaid.com
Subject: Fw: Combat Record
This just in!
Sent via
BlackBerry® from AIS
From: Uncle Jimbo
Sender: blackfivetv@gmail.com
Date: Sat, 22 Jan
2011 20:16:42 -0500
To: Skeating<skeating428@aol.com>
Cc: <michael.yon@gmail.com>;
<tuttle.bill@gmail.com>; <BLACKFIVE@gmail.com>;
<wolf1@laughingwolf.net>; <F8ANDBETHERE@rcn.com>;
<andrew@breitbart.com>; <austinbay@austin.rr.com>;
<smith.herschel@gmail.com>; <jGreenman@nydailynews.com>;
<schogolj@stripes.osd.mil>; John Wagner<john.wagner2@gmail.com>;
David Bellavia<dbellavia@empactamerica.org>
Subject: Re: Combat
I was certainly not
joking and I think it is well beyond time that we have an open discussion about
what was done to remove Mr. Yon from theater, who was involved and why. This
was not some rogue operation, this was sanctioned at the highest levels.
Michael asked if I will speak publicly about this and I will.
Uncle J
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 7:52 PM, Skeating <skeating428@aol.com> wrote:
Hey, Michael -
We've all got pretty wacky senses of
humor - I'm sure he was joking.
Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:46 pm
Subject: Re: Combat Record
He was
not being facetious; LTC Tadd Sholtis admitted on his blog that he was part of
it. Sholtis was PAO for McChrystal.
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 7:43 PM, Bill
Tuttle <tuttle.bill@gmail.com>
I think he was being facetious.
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 6:51 PM, Michael
Yon <michael.yon@gmail.com>
Thank you for the email. Useless talking with these guys. Jim
Hanson just admitted the following:
"Now since I was part of the conspiracy against you with McChrystal's
staff, I really can't comment on that."
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Bill
Tuttle <tuttle.bill@gmail.com>
It's not *being* in combat that makes you
an expert, it's the training you receive for it.
Example: if you needed information from a US pilot on how to kill a T-72 on a
moonless night using a TOW missile fired from a Cobra, you'd first need to find
a Cobra pilot -- no problem, since there are a couple thousand of us around.
Any one of us could tell you how an aerial TOW system works.
But for moonless night work, you'd need to someone with C-Nite (Mod)
experience, and the field will narrow to a couple of hundred. Then, you'd have
to winnow out the guys who have been out so long, they no longer remember how
the system works.
Then you'd probably want to find someone with *recent* C-Nite experience
(post-2001), which would narrow the field to -- me.
Now, I've never killed a T-72 on a moonless night using an aerial TOW (nobody
has), but I've been trained to do it and, better yet, I can teach *you* how to
do it well enough so that, if you had to, you *could* kill a T-72 a moonless
night using an aerial TOW -- or squirt one down into a cave entrance in the
That makes *me* an expert, even though I've never done it in combat.
Having used your training in combat gives you added
credibility as an expert -- but it's the training itself that makes you the expert.
Make sense?
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Michael
Yon <michael.yon@gmail.com>
Jim Hanson (Uncle Jimbo) at Blackfive now admits that he has never set foot in Iraq or Afghanistan, or seen any combat,
period. He continues to sell himself off as an expert.
Follow-up question: Why was Jim Hanson's military career cut short?
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Michael
Yon <michael.yon@gmail.com>
Jim Hanson,
Am calling you out. How much combat have you seen?
Zero, best I can tell.
You've never been to Iraq or
Come clean Jim. Come clean Blackfive.
Very Respectfully,
Michael Yon
Very Respectfully,
Michael Yon
Very Respectfully,
Michael Yon
Very Respectfully,
Michael Yon