OK sports fans...we are in the hopper. Note release for 16 Nov. Solicitation is going to be vetted hard and additional guidance will be forthcoming very soon. I need to get with solicitation drafters and coordinate. Minor glitch re e-mail stuff last night...what are the odds...I hope to start sending e-mails from eric@teufelshunden.com by the end of the day.
Thank you for your interest in HQ0034-10-R-0041 for the Office of Military
Commissions, translation services. As a courtesy for your response I wanted
to let you know there has been an update to the posting which you can read
for full details. The solicitation will be posted on FedBizOpps on or about
16 November as a 100% small business set aside. The posted draft
requirement is not expected to change significantly but is currently under
review for finalization of the solicitation.
Jacqueline Termine
Contract Specialist
WHS - Department of Defense
Acquisition Directorate
(703) 588-1143 Office