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Discovery Request 32


Attached is a somewhat hastily drafted discovery request for the 32.

Also, I have determined that a couple of the witnesses against Ochoa may still be on active duty.

Sgt Russell, now SSgt Russell, appears to still be here at Miramar.  Sgt Jose J. Garcia, if the same one on the GAL, is possibly at MCRD.  Sgt Jessica Bennett may be at Cherry Point.

And the Army guy had a cell phone number in his statement of 323-309-3750.  I have not called it yet though as I wanted to speak to you before I called any witnesses.

I have gone through my copy of the investigation and tagged everyone's statements.

As I told you yesterday, Ochoa believes Charge II, specs 2-5, 7-9 and 11-13 are false.  And he says spec 10 has been resolved.

After going through the NCIS statements, the specs do not appear to be false, unless the individuals are lying in their statements.

I understand you are doing a bike race this weekend.  Good luck with that.  Are you in town next week or are you leaving?  Let me know if you need help with the ex writ.


Attachment: Discovery Request 32.doc
Description: MS-Word document

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature