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[Military Lawyers - Puckett & Faraj, PC] Comment: "Second Defense Fund for Navy SEALs "

New comment on your post #997 "Second Defense Fund for Navy SEALs "
Author : James McCabe (IP: , 173-26-55-139.client.mchsi.com)
E-mail : jimimac911@yahoo.com
URL    : 
Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
If the tables were turned and those young SEAL's would have been captured. They would have been beheaded! This terrorist gets a little roughed up and we are gonna prosecute our own? I believe that the rules of war/engagement have to be followed. But there are circumstances that do not or should not fall under the rule of the law! This was a known Terrorist. These men are warriors. Not police officers. You asked them to do a job and they did it. Have the guts and back bone to support these young men for a job well done. Cause God forbid if one or all of them would have died during that mission. There families would have gotten some B.S. Hollywood fluff story as to what happened. Some nice letters and medals. and a folded flag on the day they were buried! Bravo Zulu shipmates. May God be on your side. And may the tables be turned on the powers that decided to prosecute these hero's !

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