ok I'll call her and yes it was documented
One Source. Global Solutions. Mike Dodd CEO 1185 Ave of the Americas, Suite 1750 New York, New York 10036 Mike.Dodd@3dglobalsolutions.net Direct Dial NY 212-205-6171 Direct Dial NJ 732-584-0603 Direct Dial CA 949-212-9736 Toll free (866) 238-6761 ext 111 Fax 866-238-6761 International Cell 001-212-729-6959 Skype; mikedodd1 This electronic message transmission contains information from 3D Global Solutions which may be confidential or privileged and is otherwise protected by law under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act [18 United States Code ÂÂ 2510-2711]. The information is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient, be aware that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this information is prohibited. If you have received this electronic transmission in error, please notify us by calling the sender at 866-238-6761 immediately, and delete or destroy all copies of this transmission. Alternatively, you may contact us by electronic mail at MIS@3Dglobalsolutions.net. From: Haytham Faraj [mailto:haytham@puckettfaraj.com] On number one, it is not illegal unless the recipient had a legal duty not to forward. The duty would be based on the law such as in the case of lawyers or based on custom. On the second issue, there could very well be a case. I can't do it because I'm not licensed in ca yet but I know someone who can do it. How long ago did she suffer the injury and did she document that it was a result of the fall in class? Haytham Faraj Sent from my iPhone
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