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RE: ANC Membership Meeting



Thanks for the note and status report.  I don’t envy anyone involved in a Marine Corps GCM at Pendleton, especially one that has had all of the publicity of the Haditha incident.  I will attempt to gather some background on the Reserve membership info over the next week.  Just send me an email when you get back to town and your schedule returns to normal.  Thanks.   //Joe


Joseph G. Lynch

Major General, USAF (Ret.)

General Counsel

Military Officers Association of America

201 N. Washington Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22314-2539

Phone:  (703) 838-8166

Mobile:  (571) 245-4664


email:  joel@moaa.org


                      One Powerful Voice.®     For every officer at every stage of life and career.


From: Puckett and Atwood [mailto:puckwood@comcast.net]
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 12:23 AM
To: Neysa Slater-Chandler
Cc: Joe Lynch; Dukes, Lt Col Thomas
Subject: Re: ANC Membership Meeting


Hi Neysa, Of course I'll assist with the subcommittee. If you'd like to chat, tomorrow, Sunday is good.  Court is in session from 0830 - 1730 Pacific time.


I'm out in California assisting my husband Neal with his biggest Marine Corps war crime in the last couple of decades - Haditha Iraq incident in 2005.  We've been here since 30 December 2011 for a general court-martial at Camp Pendleton.  Government's case is suppose to rest on Tuesday.    


General Lynch, I do hope to be back in Virginia and ready to assist beginning the week of 30 Jan to 3 Feb.  Just let me know when you'd like to schedule a meeting


Thank you, 


Cell 202-340-0070


On Jan 20, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Neysa Slater-Chandler wrote:



Missed you last night!  I wanted you to know that I am asking you to assist on another subcommittee.   This time, we are looking at the status/membership categories for reservist members.  General Lynch, a retired reserve officer, and Tom Dukes, a current reserve officer, are also on the subcommittee.  I wanted somebody with relatively recent active duty experience.  I may also assign another “player to be named;” I’m looking for somebody currently on active duty to serve on the Membership Committee.


I have assigned members with differing viewpoints to this subcommittee, as well as an “honest broker” with keen insight (you).  There are multiple issues here and potentially a major change in the way we do business; we can perhaps talk rather than me typing and boring you.


General Lynch will chair the subcommittee; I hope you’re able to join.  Please let me know at your convenience.  I’ll be on travel next week, but I should have access to email in the evenings.







P.S.  you were not assigned because you weren’t there; I had already thought about this quite a bit!